Upper Eyelids
(Upper Blepharoplasty)
(Lower Blepharoplasty)
  Aging Face
  Facial Bone Contouring
  Buccal Fat Removal
  Lip Augmentation
  Lip Reduction
  Prominent ears (Bat Ears)
  Microtia (congenitally absent ears)
  Fat transfer/natural breast augmentation
  Lift (Mastopexy)
  Axillary (armpit) breast
  Nipple surgery
  Male breast
(gynaecomastia) reduction
  Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)


What is liposuction?

Liposuction is the surgical removal of excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body resulting in a slimmer, more contoured and attractive body physique.

How does liposuction work?

In liposuction, fat cells are surgically removed from target areas using a stainless steel suction tube called a cannula. This is achieved via small stab incisions placed over inconspicuous parts of the body.

There are several types of liposuction procedures available. These include mechanical liposuction, ultrasonic-assisted liposuction (UAL) and waterjet liposuction. In ultrasonic-assisted liposuction such as VASER liposelection®, ultra-sound waves are used to liquefy the fats before they are removed. Your surgeon will discuss the options with you during your consultation.

All liposuction procedures involve the prior injection of a solution containing medication that creates a tissue environment that helps to facilitate the liposuction. It also helps to constrict blood vessels to minimize bleeding and bruising. The fluid contains anaesthetic agents as well, and this helps in minimizing pain and discomfort in the post-operative period.

How long does liposuction take? 

The procedure will take 1 - 3 hours to complete depending on the extent of the procedure. More extensive areas may take even longer. Most patients are able to go home on the day of the surgery. 

Which parts of the body can have liposuction? 

Most parts of the body that are prone to excess fat can undergo liposuction with good results. In women, some of the most common areas treated include the inner and outer thighs, abdomen and arms. In men, the most common treated areas include the abdomen, flanks and chest (gynaecomastia) 

What is the recovery time from the surgery? 

Recovery time is brief, with many liposuction patients returning to work in a few days, and most back to full exercise in 2 weeks. Again this will depend on each individual patient. You can resume gentle exercise after two weeks and full exercise after one month. 

Patients are required to wear a pressure garment for 4 weeks after the procedure. 

Is there much pain after liposuction? 

There is usually minimal pain after the procedure. Most patients also note minimal discomfort. 

Are you a good candidate for liposuction? 

As with all plastic surgery procedures, the success of liposuction will depend on a number of individual factors such as age, skin elasticity, weight and overall health. The best candidates are those who are of normal or close to normal weight, have healthy elastic skin, and have specific trouble areas such as tummy, thighs, and butt that will not respond to changes in diet and exercise. 

Is there any age limit for liposuction? 

There is no age limit for liposuction; however anyone with a medical condition such as diabetes or poor blood circulation is not an ideal candidate for liposuction. 

In the media

Mind Your Body - 27 oct 2011

Tatler Sep 2011 Body Beautiful

The Straits Times February 26 2011 - Stricter liposuction rules for docs

The Sunday Times January 17 2010 - FAT takings [special report liposuction]

Please note:

Before and after photos of patients have been removed from the website as MOH Singapore does not allow such photos to be displayed for local clinics.


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